Author Topic: reversals  (Read 23148 times)

Offline lucette

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Re: reversals
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2017, 10:52:27 am »
Fw ;

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Reversal ;

``fresh start last is now in your live ` `
`` heaven is this, universe his weeks``

`` she[=mom] says mess crazy luciphan[=kabal] ``
`` lucette say; come eat   make a sickle ``

`` help [= Martin is talking] sisters ``
`` luciphan in rest``
`` Father still bring, we're partying '`
`` give to people ``

`` I'm in love release shift must``
`` last book ``
`` Father give me hearts ``

`` say many best[=alliance on Earth] bring rain[=wave/Schumann] brains
`` father we win party``

"resting sisters rest"
« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 10:53:18 am by lucette »

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Re: reversals
« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2017, 09:29:39 am »
Fw ;

Reversal ;

`` The weatherwolf[reps] is sleeping in the bag ``

`` that people remain his sheep``

`` Father[=source/god] proudly writes his own words now, sitting in last round``

``gem[=my mate] apple blue[must mean his blue eyes] now let's sit we make six seven``[six=Eden,seven=Source/god]

`` Zebra it's god's last weeks yet ``

`` she[=mom] wants some time bomb'`

`` Father's wolf [=reps.]in ship quickly takes ``

`` lucette reverse, the light she becomes the nickname, please``thank you  .luce means light in Italian language]

`` his blue the sun gives``
`` Rose last live``

`` she morphs we shift``

`` The weatherwolf[reps] is sleeping in the bag ``this reversal made me think of a tvserie where a soldier puts devils in a bag  ;D


« Last Edit: October 19, 2017, 09:33:09 am by lucette »

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Re: reversals
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2017, 11:03:56 am »

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Reversal ;

`` we sing free``

`` The Earth is free the treasure delete  ``

``delete delete delete iris``

`` help [= Martin is talking] that flowers my sweet mom ``
`` count that flowers``

`` chimps [= people] your mater [= mom] will give that lights net ``
`` that roses darling  kiss he [= source / god] gives ``

`` Earth sure party``
`` the one[=source/god] takes care last character/sign earth ``

that greatest [= source] he shrunk coast ground
`` the Earth success``

Offline lucette

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Re: reversals
« Reply #18 on: October 21, 2017, 11:11:13 am »

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Reversal ;

`` waves[=schumann] get wishes``
`` the sun is harbour[=heaven]``

`` The Earth knew  the earth he[=source/god] knew it was blue blue blue `` [blue=sirius the central sun]

`` lucette help[=Martin is talking], your sun stays``
`` Surinamese[=me] , she[=mom] laughs to bring earth sun
`` Rest earth come from the dream ``

`` People do great things``
`` Father states broken say say ``
`` roses, earth so blue``
`` We only say the syrups[=simulations] monkeys the dead  ``yes please delete the simulations

`` Father[=source/god]turns things``
`` give to earth people ``

`` in reverse we sing ``
`` it does not help any fairs [= simulations] we shift ``
« Last Edit: October 21, 2017, 11:14:01 am by lucette »

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Re: reversals
« Reply #19 on: October 22, 2017, 10:49:31 am »
Fw ;

Reversal ;

`` o my goodness [; said in a joyful way]
  key maker broken ``[The Keymaker  was a program created to open up the door to the Source for The One] doesn`t matter b.c we have the key ;)

`` in the one [=source/dad]run weeks

  hup hup hup[; hardware - A hub, like a switch, is a device in a network infrastructure.  One can think of the hub in a bicycle wheel, the center of the spokes. In a computer network, a hub is the center of the connected computer

a hub sounds like dad

``luciphan[=kabal], processing his[=source/god] light
`` the people see a dad's wages``
``See the circle next to the mantle ``

`` help[=Martin is talking] are happy, father laughs ``

`` release fairies protect that key``
`` mother service``
`` delete havoc``

`` Father says people are coming home``
`` all the people are lucette of his last life ``
`` the sun gives earth reverse
« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 10:50:38 am by lucette »

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Re: reversals
« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2017, 10:23:28 am »
Fw ;

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Reversal ;

``clear sun of god, seek his strength in the sun ``

`` the seven [= god], help syrups[=simulations] give kiss himself ``

``He the sun he[=source/god] could not wait."

`` same day sends roses, your dad``

``send `sirius, help heaven make it blue` `

`` say newest words to snake sun lucifer broke his temple blash ``yaaaaaaaaay  :-*

`` stop  saying [= for me to post] the last buses[bus=ufo] collect sun ``

Offline lucette

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Re: reversals
« Reply #21 on: October 24, 2017, 10:21:35 am »
Fw ;

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`` roses the father the mother, one [= source / god] weeks for the roses [=people]``
`` Japanese  Coast  Father one wants to say, Japanese must protect``

`` Your father must say your father helps [Martin is talking] chimps, broken chimps ``
`` Daddy`s  dream wash the sun``

`` take his strength chimps[=people]``
`` Luciphan circus[=simulations] we say middle ``
« Last Edit: October 24, 2017, 10:23:39 am by lucette »

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Re: reversals
« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2017, 08:45:08 am »

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Reversal ;

`` Yes true, god given to yourself ``

`` must say strong fish [= people] ``
`` help together  people shift``

`` god for the earth``

`` come out of here come``
`` Falling man luciphan[=kabal], haha``

`` there we go``
« Last Edit: October 25, 2017, 08:45:59 am by lucette »

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Re: reversals
« Reply #23 on: October 26, 2017, 09:48:44 am »
fw ;

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Reversal ;

`` The Sun wakes up at Lucifer[=kabal] `` looks like the kabal is getting his Schumann/wave 
`` The Sun is a kiss from a old sis``
``strong people, all strength` `

`` the sun goes on ``
`` believe me a party, lucette we bring rest``

`` the greatest[=source/god] free us   taking the switch luciphans [=kabal] universe``
`` gem soros gem yes his  switch/change``you go Gem take that Ass hole [to say it mildly]  out 8)  ,gem=lucette`s mate]

`` hahaha luciferr breathe in the bag``  hahaha too funny
`` the best [alliance on earth] help``

« Last Edit: October 26, 2017, 09:56:11 am by lucette »

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Re: reversals
« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2017, 11:06:46 am »
Fw ;

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Reversal ;

`` lose so fast, the sun is the dragons[=reps./kabal] chess  we kiss``   sounds like the sun put the dragons in checkmated ;)

checkmated;an act or instance of maneuvering the opponent's king into a check from which it cannot escape, thus bringing the game to a victorious conclusion. the position of the pieces when a king is checkmated.

`` help poppy`` made me think of this song;
[help=Martin talking]
Chanson d'amour

Fauré (1883)

J'aime tes yeux, j'aime ton front,   
O ma rebelle, ô ma farouche.   
J'aime tes yeux, j'aime ta bouche,   
Où mes baisers s'épuiseront.   

J'aime ta voix, j'aime l'étrange
Grâce de tout ce que tu dis,   
O ma rebelle, ô mon cher ange,   
Mon enfer et mon paradis!   

J'aime tout ce qui te fait belle,   
De tes pieds jusqu'à tes cheveux,   
O toi vers qui monte mes vœux,   
O ma farouche, ô ma rebelle!
Armand Silvestre

`rest haha rest says seven [= source / god] ``
`` Father says, in our new ship`` the Earth is sometimes called a ship

`` woman roses the luciphans [= kabal] sleep ``
`` Your father sees key can delete ``
`` say shift phase``
`` on the luciphans is an smell[dutch saying; there is a smell on it(= it's not right, not good)
`` and the chief described them in his beep``
« Last Edit: October 27, 2017, 11:09:10 am by lucette »

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Re: reversals
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2017, 10:51:34 am »
Fw ;

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`` seven sherif``[seven and Sherif]=god/source

`` His love gives god to the love now``

`` tomorrow[=shift] bleached the seal``

`` lucette will you help[=Martin talking] me``

`` We're celebrating earth already celebrating blue``

`` sweet sexy things earth they win``lol i like this one  :-*

`` release lucette, quick release the earth``
`` certainly lucette believe, live one[=source/god] week``
`` your father has come``

`` lucifer soros come to  the coffee ``

[dutch saying ;``to come on the coffee`` meaning ; next to the literally positive meaning 'someone to drink coffee
transient negative significance:'Cheated out, behindthe net fishing '.]

« Last Edit: October 28, 2017, 10:54:06 am by lucette »

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Re: reversals
« Reply #26 on: October 29, 2017, 10:33:47 am »
Fw ;

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Reversal ;

`` chimp [= people] now tiara weeks tiara ``
`` Father give sun``

`` they [= mom and dad] bring we have bring``
`` buried round '`

`` mam that dream win, the roses [= people] sing``
`` Elvis [=source/god]sings Tiara ``

`` The sherphan himself surprise  peace yes``

`` feast the chimp``

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Re: reversals
« Reply #27 on: October 30, 2017, 08:42:56 am »
Fw ;

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Reversal ;

`` he, number seven [= Source / god] ``
`` Your father says, seal earth, broken ``

`` Sherif's lies saw him through his soul `` [sound of a scream]
`` they had to learn, luciphan [= kaball] we must him soul``

Fw ; gives the alliance the kabal a soul ?
R; their finish,the sun to Earth gone

`` You shall see, live on roses``
[sound of cheers]

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Re: reversals
« Reply #28 on: October 31, 2017, 10:23:22 am »
Fw ;

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Reversal ;

`` people have now we started winning``

`` see above  father sees ``

``  your father luciphan[=kabal] is now soon devoured '` bon appetit dad 😉

`` Earth weather wolves are in court's nar  see weeks ``[ hofnar ; nar to entertain the royal court ; the nar could make fun about the king without punishment ]

`` Father wants his flowers [= people] ``
`` He has been laughing at God Ripose [=put away in Italian language]``

`` mother laughs``

`` father god, give luciphan [= kaball] give list ``
`` We are making the pain ``

`` It's a dream fraud, cheating on last stupid
`` luciphan in the net in the sun`` 

`` Zion Broken`` [Zion; is a placename often used as a synonym for Jerusalem] the zionists broken sound good ;)
« Last Edit: October 31, 2017, 10:26:24 am by lucette »

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Re: reversals
« Reply #29 on: November 01, 2017, 12:14:21 pm »
Fw ;


`` in the ufo  god who sees the veil ``

`` I see the stock expired``
`` luciphan his last live they live``

`` father and his rose blue``

`` knakworst=a party sausage]  lucette brings believe``
`` lucette see the fair[=simulation]``
`` first [= atom] must have to say the earth forgets he  never``
"Power is given to earth  sun ."

`` love lash they get ``

`` help reverse sister, give in the dream``
`` live live live live soon we make come``
`` Sherphan is out of his lisjau`` ???

`` Lucette puts salties `` i heard zoutjes ;something that you eat at a party
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 01:04:59 pm by lucette »