Author Topic: reversals  (Read 23160 times)

Offline lucette

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Re: reversals
« Reply #30 on: November 06, 2017, 03:04:34 pm »
Fw ;5 minutes of this link 

this reversal is protected with a shield against interference

Reversal ;

`` in god's name``
`` the seven people they dance``

`` It's happened reverse the sun ``

`` father his sun broken, sherif the luciphan``

`` forces are those nights are seven``

`` The ballets go the thread people we see their dancing and laughing on earth ``ballet = make believe =simulations  .

`` father sun broke the sherphan[=kaball]``

`` Circle [=Earth]proud of his serves ``

`` help[=Martin talking] sing``

`` Breaking we're going``

`` sunbathing father his rose [=people]``

`` lucifer the pennant  spoken shame``pennant=pendar ...?]

`` the last moon will tear the dream ``
`` lucette to One [=source/god] together believe the sather``sather=Jordan Sather...?

`` the last dream kisses``