Author Topic: for everybody  (Read 6698 times)

Offline lucette

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Re: for everybody
« Reply #75 on: May 27, 2019, 04:06:53 pm »

Energy Update 5/27/19 from Eric Raines ;

The Sun is in a flux state, beginning to shift into the cycles of activation

The Sun goes through an 11 year cycle of ebb and flow with sunspots, solar flares, solar storms and the output of solar wind. As long as we have been able to observe it, we have been able to predict the level of activity the sun is going through.

The Sun has been acting out of predictable patterns within the past few months, but as of now, the energetic connections from our Sun to the rest of the Galaxy have shifted from the ionic filament connections, to full blown electric flow from star heart to start heart.

This is increasing the output of multidimensional resonance and opening up a new doorway of energetic connection and awareness for the surface population of the planet.

This is much bigger than some of the more personal updates that involve the direct planetary situation dealing with political, energetic and economic flow.

This affects everything. Not just on our planet, not just in our solar system, but EVERYTHING. There is a reason there is so much attention here on our planet. There is a reason why there is so much disinformation trying to convince us that this 3D reality level is the ground, the base and only way to go is up.

This is all misinformation. Think about it. Why is there so much attention here? Why do so many consciousnesses that are only mind and spirit spend so much energy, attention and focus to interfere, learn from and experiment with?

It is because they do not have the temple of the Human Body. We have true, physical flesh. We have access to true creation through a melding of mind, body and spirit as a trifecta.

Nothing else in creation has access to this, unless they have a physical form, and the human body far outstrips even the most advanced physical consciousness bodies in the entire universe.

This is the master level, where only the strongest can come to play. We can connect into the deepest, basest levels of dense reality, while fully connected all the way up into Source levels of flow, connecting EVERYTHING in one space, in one time. Right here, right now.

We exist inside of the highest form of conscious, organic, true flesh technology in the entire universe, and have been trained to only operate inside of a tiny fraction of its capabilities.

As these capabilities were not used, the energy pathways became dormant and were easily shut down, allowing further manipulation of our home, our SOULar System.

As this ebb and flow progressed, the Sun, aptly named Sol, lost access to resonance frequencies that we were flowing through our physical bodies as these flows were turned off and the DNA became dormant.

It lost its ability to consciously think/feel/cogitate and became what we know it as today. A bright ball of fusion. A gravimetric explosive force with its own mass containing the explosion, projecting out heat, radiance, frequency and light.

The sun is pulsing. Fluxing. If you have ever seen the harmonic convergence flux state of water as frequencies increase inside of it, we are in the space right before the shift into a cleaner, more intricate design.

This video is an excellent visual tutorial of what is happening as the sun reaches a new frequency

This is actively stoking the filament pathways of human connection into ancient energies of primordial, Natural Human function, fully aware energetically and physically all the way up to the Galactic Levels.

Think of this as if we have been stuck inside of a ball. A planet sized ball, but still stuck inside of it nonetheless. Now, the hollow space we have inside is being recognized as a feeling of density letting go and this flow opening up outside of our ball. We can feel it in the distance, but it has not reached us through the "crust" of the planet.

Dormant DNA activations are going to start happening with increased frequency and intensity. Mind programs across the planet are going to begin dissolving as more and more levels of feeling and sensation open up to the massive incoming anchoring of light our planet is going to be experiencing over this next stretch.

One of the most important things we can do is step into NOWNESS. I go into much greater detail in this article as it is to lengthy to explain in this update.…/The-Importance-…

By stepping into this space, we are not only connecting deeper into our ability to evoke the Light Languages that shift physical health in the body, but are tuning into the new frequencies that the Sun is beginning to radiate.

Expect more Solar storms, wild jumps in the Schumann resonance and more political hot button issues to be pushed on the mind levels and actively use these trigger points to be your red flag. As soon as you recognize your red flag, go into how you feel as this is exposed to you. Recognize in this NOWNESS that you have the power to create what you actually want to experience in these moments.

Thank the trigger for the opportunity to grow, then actively shift your attention into topics, education, growth and activity in the areas where you want to see, feel and experience more of.

If you find that your attention is constantly wandering outside of you, I put together this super quick, simple meditation to calmly gather your focus back into your personal space where you can direct it into your chosen attention.

We are going to be entering the crucible in a sense. Some might interpret this as an extremely trying time. I personally resonate with recognizing this as a time of shifting and growth. Of evolution and awareness. Often times, growth is uncomfortable, but if we know how to create the energies of what we wish to embody, even discomfort has incredible lessons hidden within its folds, we just need to explore them.

In these times of growth through pressure, be gentle with yourself. Be gentle with others. Many raw, wonder programs are sitting on the surface of many levels of consciousness and behavior that seems hostile, angry, depressed and withdrawn can be easily recognized for what they are. Wounds. Without these wounds, people would not act they way that they do when in pain.

Recognize this for them, recognize this for yourself.

Light is information. Darkness is a lack of information.

Be the light.

Blaze like a beacon in the darkness. You are helping out so many more than you realize <3

From my heart to yours,